It's all about me

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Food Glorious Food! Makan-makan !

So this last weekend was a(nother) long one for us in Malaysia with Friday being Wesak Day... Tens of thousands of miles away, our American counterparts enjoyed a long weekend with Monday being Memorial Day.

For us Malaysians, a long weekend normally means lots and lots of eating.... and a great excuse for me to indulge in some yummy food since I've been working out like mad over the last month.

Here's a little of what I ate my way through


fluffy thai omelette

Fried Garoupa in a fresh Basil sauce

Prawn Mee Soup (note the dollop of sambal!)

Char Kway Teow

Oyster Omelette

Deep Fried Chicken skin


I feel major guilt from looking at these pix!!! Hahahahaha so it's back to the workout grind for me!

I am proud to say though that I did manage to squeeze in a healthy Bircher's muesli or two for brekkie :)

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