It's all about me

Tuesday 8 June 2010

The Eagle has landed - the iPhone 4 is unveiled

* 8 NEW reasons to get iPhone 4 *

1. An all new design

The funniest part about Steve Jobs' unveiling yesterday? He mentioned the first reason for getting the iPhone 4 being its all new design and went on to say :

"Stop me if you've seen it..." (of course referring to the internet leak of photos due to a prototype being left behind at a bar), at which point the entire arena burst into laughter

And then cleverly went on to say...

"Believe me... you aint seen it... you've gotta see this thing in person... it is one of the most beautiful designs you've ever seen"

"The precision of which this is made is beyond any consumer product you've ever seen... like a beautiful old Leica camera... and it's really thin... the thinnest smartphone on the planet."

That was enough for me... I don't need to know the other 7 reasons to get the new iPhone ! (multitasking, video phone enabled (known as facetime), 25% thinner, 4 x more pixels on its screen etc etc blah blah blah)
'Facetime' (Video phone feature)
The hardest part for me is gonna be deciding which colour to get... although I do think an all steel version like the very first iphone would be interesting too as an option.

ANd what are those 3 crevices / lines you see along the casing breaking the otherwise seamless design?? It is of course the built in antennae - waaaaaaah SOOOOOO clever

I don't even know when it's coming out, I just know I gotta get my grimey paws on one when it does. Can't wait.

And yes, I am a self-confessing sucker for anything Steve Jobs & Apple related... Video phoning has been around for years and Apple has the audacity to keep us waiting for its availability on the iphone for 4 phone generations...or maybe it's called genius.

All Hail The iPhone 4

1 comment:

mili said...

M, go for looks gorgeous,stylish...(my personal opinion)'s coming out in msia sumwhere around september....hope to read some stories about it then..;)