It's all about me

Sunday 14 March 2010

TWINKIES presents Cat Got Your Tongue with SalahWrong @ Palate Palette

To say that my first weekend of March was hectic, would be an understatement - the fact that it was rounded up by a manic collaboration was the "cherry on the cake"

What do you get when you stir together the following ingredients :

An infusion of Cat Got Your Tongue

stirred with

Lashings of SalahWrong (Sarah Chan & Joyce Wong aka KinkyBlueFairy )

and topped off with generous layers of

Twinkies .... ?


Lots of games, laughs, giggles, sniggers and toys! In fact, presentation of a toy at the bar meant a discount on your drink - Genius!

Sample toys..
Made some new friends, hung out with old ones and caught up with those that i rarely see, like the Bangsar Boy himself Niki Cheong who filled me in on his escapades including a recent trip to London for Project Alpha & the next Twestival ... I also got a chance to share with him my ideas for a charity event that I'm planning for the end of May : Get updates on it here

Me & Bangsar Boy

SalahWrong on the decks providing their unique classic emo, indie, retro, (good) cheesy playlist. They were using their brand spanking new Paul Frank headphones :)

KBF + Boogs = sillynessness

Getting creative with toy hairdryer *ahem*
The BBQ provided by Palate Palette is always yummy as more and more peeps started to stream in, I reckon CGYT revellers were calling their mates from home and around town to come by to check out the Twinkies event

Busy room! And yes that is Rudyculously u see there...

Lead singer Fuad from Kyoto Band, Lady Elephant (real ID unknown), KBF, Stylist Extraordinaire Ming

Tunku Nadia (one half of the Twinkies) spinning her *MAGIC*

As you can imagine i suffered terribly the next day and missed my early Monday morning run *ooops*

Even so, I can't wait for the next Twinkies event :)

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