Wednesday night marked the completion of the 2nd last song off the album.... the finishing line is SO very close. I've really been looking forward to recording this track. It's definitely one of my favourites - particularly for its lyrical content (so *naughty*) and I'm always tickled when i think back at wat/who inspired this song... hehehe...
I get locked up in the room at the end to record my vocals. PLS PLS PLS will someone tell me why ALL recording studios have siberian temperatures?! (particuarly the vocal booth) Bad for the voice mah!
czech out the PLOducer's working area
hehehehehe..... not true at all.... chewie has done wonders with my material.... he dots my i's and crosses my t's. Another great night's work.... nailed all vocals, backin and lead, in 3 hours. Me a very happy boogalooboo
I always need to unwind after a vocal session... so i headed to town... got upset by someone cos they totally fcuked up my plans, dropped something off elsewhere and ended up meeting a & a at bar b where i caught up with the blonde bombshell over a macallan's 18 yrs single malt. BLISS.
A & A & I then continued with a few mind numbing attempts at 5/10 followed by some hilarious outcomes of the name game. Mr A made-up FAR too many... From feeling quite down and out, countless macallan's & lychee martinis later, I was very thankful to A&A for lifting my spirits ('scuse the pun).Oh and thx to DADDY OF COURSE. By the way, crap cover-up Ms A...
From there we went to a friends house for one of her INfamous after parties... interesting collection of humans. Wateva it is i'm glad i went. Was glad to see her before she leaves. I left with a heavy heart. I'll leave it at that. Think I crawled home around 5ish listening to Amy Winehouse's LOVE IS A LOSING GAME on repeat. Washed face. Set alarm. Switched off phone. Hugged Mia g'nite. Passed out.
FINAL NOTE : Ms A + drunken + dare + chivas = macd's mcmuffin
silly rabbit. go put it right.... god i'm so tired
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