It's all about me

Saturday 19 April 2008

Thursay 17 April 2008 – The longest day of 2008!!

KL – Stockholm MH090 17.04.08 09.45 KL time

Blissful comfort. Thoroughly spoilt. Resolutely grateful. 3rd glass of Ch@mp3r5. Sweet Potato by Sia playing on my Itouch. Thick, grey, yet still bright clouds outside.

Standard MAS procedures failures – interactive system is down and has just been reset. Passengers all sitting patiently for the entertainment to commence.

I look around. Different faces, races, shapes, sizes, heights and widths. Different brands of human ‘beans’ packed into this aerial cruiser. All heading to either Stockholm or the Big Apple or perhaps beyond. On the same plane but on different journey with individual agendas. Some just commencing, maybe heading out on a business trip; some ending, perhaps heading home after days, weeks, months or even years away. Some ‘in-betweeners’ which I wil leave to YOUR imagination to define.
Thousands of thoughts in hundreds of minds encapsulated within this airbourne vehicle. What a mad image… loads and loads of bubble talk. Cute! Like a frenetic cartoon.
What about me? I’ve a plate of nasi lemak going cold in front of me. Why this? Cos I reckon I’m gonna miss rice soon!! God I sound so rural! Anyway I am in search of my fortune. To the land of opportunities. The city of immigrants. History has many such fortune seeking stories to tell and I am yet another in the 21st century. I am determined to find my pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. 2008 has been more than kind to me so far, Nothing may necessarily happen immediately or in a few months but intend for this trip to be a gateway for me… to what? That will be for me to discover in time.
Wooooooh!! Pedasnya! DELICIOUS nasi lemak. I just hope I don’t get a sensitive tummy on this longhaul :S
I am feeling strangely emotional on this trip. I haven’t don’t this in a long time – traveled far and beyond to new places solo. It’s made me realize how much more adventurous I used to be when I was living on my own in London. Don’t get me wrong – it’s been great living in KL since I’ve started to feel more settled and work is taking off. But I do feel I’ve lost a bit of my independence – entirely my on fault and doing. This is what happens when we get too comfortable – we get complacent. Awful human degenerative disease! I’ve not been pushing my travel and adventure boundaries. Then again I have been extremely busy. Oh I dunno lah…. Rambling now :s
All I know for sure NOW, this moment – I am going to make things happen in these next 2 weeks…. Signing off….

Stockholm!!! Finally, land after 12 hours!!! I must admit rather disconcerting seeing all the water… but boy was I happy to see land. What a wonderful change in landscape. Evergreen trees and clear blue skies.

The airport was pretty boring and non eventful – frightfully clean, lots of dark wood… errrr.. that’s it really.

Transit was only one and a half hours so I basically found myself somewhere comfy to sit and dived into my book – ‘The Tipping Point’. Everything I’m reading at the moment is about gearing me up to make positive changes in my career ☺.
The second leg of the flight was pretty uneventful. Apart from eating some more :s it was time for me to ‘study’ my New York guide books and make a note of the places I wanted to visit and things I wanted to do. It’s madness – there is just so much to see and I’ve no idea how I’m going to squeeze it all in! There are 4 museums alone that I wanna visit sigh

I slept more .. oh and CRIED THE ENTIRE WAY THROUGH A MOVIE…. SO FRIGGIN EMBARRASSING!!! Seriously – such a great movie, or perhaps I’m turning into a huge softy…who knows but the tears just could not stop falling. Talk about having a bad case of the overflowing waterworks! I guess it didn’t help that I’ve been feeling all emo this flight plus the fact the one of my favourite actresses was in it – Hilary Swank. A true character actor who portrays the simplest raw yet most powerful human emotions so SO well. It’s a love story (sort of), incredibly romantic, irritating, torturous, painful, happy, mournful, celebratory story… yes this movie to me is a HUGE oxymoron (look it up in the dictionary, it’s my word for today!!).
But I loved every second of it, I guess cos it’s about true love, family, friends, life and the human spirit.

Watch it.

P.S I Love You


Customs and luggage fast and harmless.. Weather = 70(F) = mild. My first NY sunset ☺

My first sighting and journey over Brooklyn Bridge

Feeling shattered and withdrawn after my shower, I cancelled plans to meet up with some friends for ‘welcome’ drinks (these friends will be referred to as bjorkfan and BMW6series) … decided to turn in early and catch up on sleep.. only to be woken up by another friend of mine to join him in the lounge to hang out (housedancer, as he shall be referred to from now on, was instrumental in making this adventure of mine in New York happen).
Boogalooboo ALWAYS obliges to good friends. Jumped out of bed, freshened up AGAIN and headed down and ended up having her first informal business meeting.
I spent the next 2 hours sharing my music and work with one of HouseDancer’s ‘family’ – a big homie called Hardy, whom I will refer to as Notorious B.I.G. or N.B.I.G. for short (clearly I don’t need to explain why)
N.B.I.G. seems a lovely guy, well connected, seriously up and coming and extremely busy. But he seemed interested in me and my work. He loved the visuals, the image and the videos… we talked and talked, shared experiences, goals and dreams. We talked about songwriting, production, grooves and beats. It was great ☺.

I will be spending more time with these people and will be meeting even MORE people over the next week… can’t wait.

Suffice to say I crawled up to my room after and crashed out..

Let’s see – I woke up 6am KL time on the 17th and passed out around midnight on the 17th/18th NY time (which is noon on the 18th KL time)… indeed the longest day of 2008

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