It's all about me

Saturday 10 April 2010

Enjoying the Moment

I've been rushing around the last 2 months like a headless chicken with a To Do List that gets longer as each day goes by, rather than shorter.

I sleep later and wake up earlier YET there do not seem to be enough hours in the day to do everything.

I realise the only time I have for myself are the moments before I fall asleep at night and the first few moments after I wake up in the mornings... Oh and there's the minimal time I spend at the gym and of course, as Mum reminded me, the time I spend on the bog!

All to often we forget to just enjoy the moment... to stop and appreciate our surroundings, simply appreciate being healthy & being alive...

Try this :

Find a quiet space, lie down, close your eyes -

SENSE your heart beating through the tips of your fingers
LISTEN to your breath
FEEL the simplicity of being LIFE intermingled with the complexity of the system of our body and what it needs to do to keep us ALIVE

It's really hard to do...

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