Bali at present (and the last 3days)....
ALAMAK!!!!!!!!! It's been EONS since i've updated my blog and I've had various complaints about this.... SERIOUSLY... I've just been SO SO busy - final preparation for the release of the album, the media launch... and then as usual as the christmas and year end approaches there are lots of events and celebrations to participate in....
Only now, whilst on my family holiday in very WET bali, have I found some time to do this
In no real chronological order, once again here is a quick photo update..
ECLECTICISM available at AMAZON.COM :) ...
Old friend...
Cheeky Friends...
Musical Fashionista friends...
Candlelit dinner @ Crocodile Farm...
More good times with old friends...
With the awesome hitz tv crew at the opening of Jakeman's Retro Bar...
My favourite family fans...
My mate, Dmitri (from Paris) xxx
ish spotted my fabulous cheeky cuz.. fabulous nonetheless.
and i hope your lyrical prayers for the rain to go away works ;)
thats alot of updates there young lady. btw, i got no facebook, no friendster.. such an antisocial physco here.
play hard there, work smart.
good luck for the newly launch album.
hope to have a chance to see your life performance one day.
good day!
Hey, we support 100% (most) local talents but you're the first who made the cut. Our site is about looking at everything in a positive way but a lil' bit of sarcasm can't hurt now can it? ;)
my cousing? teehee.. she's one of your cheeky friends.. the one in the middle, talk, funny goes by the name of juji.. im morrie by the way.
gonna link you up today so its cool.
Happy New Year!
i have been listening to your song, Starlight from flyfm over the past few days and i'm lovin that song so much. it's really nice and meaningful. your voice is really powerful. keep up the good work! i'm waiting for more songs from you =)
Listened to your songs on myspace. I shall buy your album soon or download the songs (legally), promise! Heard about you from my late sister few years ago. Will listen to the songs on her behalf.
Cheers & Ciao!
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